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How to Install PostgreSQL on AlmaLinux

PostgreSQL is a popular open-source relational database management system. Here are the steps to install PostgreSQL on AlmaLinux: ...

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VPS/Servers Databases

How to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu + Database and User Setup

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database system used for storing and managing unstructured data. Here are the steps to install MongoDB ...

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VPS/Servers Databases

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Strategies for Your VPS

Introduction: Data loss can be devastating, but with a well-structured backup and disaster recovery plan, you can safeguard your d...

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VPS/Servers Databases

How to Import and Export MySQL or MariaDB Databases

Introduction: Importing and exporting databases is a common task in software development. You can use data dumps to back up and re...

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VPS/Servers Databases

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