Cookies Policy
Last update: 28-01-2025
I. Cookie usage Policy
The following Cookies Policy applies to all users of the YottaSrc website, regardless of the device used to access it. The information stated below is intended to inform visitors / users of this website about the placement, use and administration of cookies by YottaSrc in the context of browsing this site.
II. What are Cookies?
An "Internet Cookie" (also known as "cookie browser" or "HTTP cookie" or simply "cookie") is a small file containing letters and numbers that is stored on the electronic device through which the user accesses the Internet.
The cookie is installed through a browser-based request (such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc.) and is completely "passive" (does not contain software programs, viruses or spyware, and can not access information on the hard disk of the user). The cookie consists of 2 parts, its name and the information it stores. Cookies do not request information about the data of the user, but store certain information in order to identify it at the level of a device connected to the Internet and not on a personal level.
From a technical point of view, only the web server that sent the cookie can access it again when a user returns to the web page associated with that web-server.
III. For what purposes are the cookies used through this website?
Cookies are used to provide users of this website with a better browsing experience and services tailored to the needs and interests of each individual user, namely:
- facilitating the access to the user account - facilitating online support - posting comments on the site - statistics and traffic analyzes
- Improving the use of this website, inclusively by identifying any errors that occur during the visit / use - providing anonymous statistics regarding on how this website is used by YottaSrc, as the owner.
IV. What is the lifetime of a Cookie?
The lifetime of a cookie is determined, only, by the web server that set the cookie and can access it again when the user returns to the site associated with the respective web server. Ranked by the lifetime, cookies are divided into:
Session cookies - these are temporarily stored in your web browser and kept until the user exits the site or closes the browser window
Persistent cookies - they are stored on the hard disk of the user for the time period set by the web server. Cookies themselves do not require personal information and in most cases do not personally identify internet users.
V. What are the cookies used by third parties?
Certain sections of content on the website may be provided through third parties, that is, not by YottaSrc, in which case these cookies are referred to as cookies placed by third parties ("third party cookies"). Third-party cookies must also comply with the Privacy Policy available on this website. YottaSrc does not place or use on the site cookies belonging to third parties.
VI. Which cookies are used through this website?
A visit to YottaSrc site may place cookies for:
Customer identification
When creating a customer account directly or indirectly by placing an order, a cookie will be placed to identify the customer identity in relation to the respective site YottaSrc operators in case of requesting their assistance.
Unfinished order
The service or services added to the cart at a previous visit and not purchased by completing the order will be kept and displayed to the visitor in order to be able to continue the purchase initiated.
Interaction analysis
Information about the interaction with the site is generally recorded and anonymously in order to run analyzes on it to improve both the functionality of the site and the experience of visitors to it.
This cookie also allows the correlation of actions and interaction with the site directly with the client account held.
VII. Delete / Block Cookies
By refusing the cookies' policy when accessing the Website, the cookie provided by Google Analytics and YouTube will be blocked. The rest of cookies is essential for "good site performance"
In general, browsers used to access web pages allow cookies to be saved on the device on which they are routed by default. These settings can be changed so that automatic cookie administration is blocked by the web browser or the user is notified whenever Cookies are sent to his browser / device. Detailed information about the possibilities and ways to manage cookies can be found in the browser settings area used to access the websites. Limiting the use of cookies may affect certain features of web pages, depending on the level of the cookie used by them.
VIII. Why are cookies important to the Internet?
Cookies are the central focus for efficient operation of the Internet, helping to generate a friendly browsing experience and tailored to the preferences and interests of each user. Denying or disabling cookies can make some sites unusable. Denying or disabling cookies does not mean you will not get online advertising - just that it will no longer be able to keep track of your preferences and interests highlighted by your browsing behavior. Examples of important uses of cookies (which do not require authentication of a user through an account):
Content and services tailored to user preferences - news, weather, sports, maps, public and governmental services, entertainment sites and travel services. Offers tailored to users interests - password retention, language preferences (For example: displaying search results in a specific language). Retaining Child Protection Filters for Content on the Internet. Limit ad serving frequency - limit the number of impressions of an ad for a particular user on a site. Providing relevant advertising for the user. Measuring a certain level of traffic on a website through Analytics, the type of content viewed, how a user reaches a website (from search engines, directly from other websites, etc.).
IX. Security and confidentiality issues
Cookies are NOT Viruses! They use text formats. They are not made up of pieces of code to be executed. Consequently, they can not duplicate or replicate on other computers or networks to run or replicate again. Lack of these functionalities can not be considered viruses. Cookies can still be used for negative purposes. They store information about preferences and user browsing history that can be used for Spyware. Many anti-spyware products are aware of this and consistently mark cookies to be deleted in antivirus / anti-spyware removal / scanning procedures. In general, browsers have built in privacy settings that provide different levels of cookie acceptance, shelf life, and automatic deletion after the user has visited a particular site. Because identity protection is very valuable, it is advisable to know the issues that may be caused by cookies. There is a constant exchange of information between the browser and the website through cookies, and if an attacker or unauthorized person interferes with this process, the information contained in the cookie can be intercepted. This can happen if your internet connection is on an insecure network, such as an unencrypted wireless network. Because of their flexibility, cookies are used by most sites, including some of the most popular ones (YouTube, Gmail, Facebook, etc.). Cookies are therefore inevitable, and disabling them will result in malfunctions and even the failure to access certain sites. Some tips on using cookies:
Customize browser settings for cookies to reflect a comfortable level of cookie security.
If you do not mind cookies, and you are the only person using the device, you can set long expiration dates to store your browsing history and personal data. If you share your computer access, you can consider setting the browser to delete individual browsing data each time you close your browser. This is a way to access sites that place cookies and to delete any information related to them when the browser is closed. Install and permanently update antivirus / antispyware applications. All modern browsers offer the ability to change cookie settings
- Cookie Settings in Microsoft Edge
- Cookie Settings in Mozilla Firefox
- Cookie Settings in Chrome
- Cookie Settings in Safari
X. Useful links
All About Cookies Official Website of the European Union on Cookies
For any additional questions about how cookies are used through this website, please contact us.