Imunify360 is a suite of state-of-the-art security applications, developed by Cloudlinux, designed specifically for the web hosting industry, to protect client sites as well as services running on the server, against all types of attacks. Imunify360 features include: protection against DDoS attacks, custom and up-to-date rules for Security Mode, file scanning against infections, website reputation management, and a sophisticated firewall. At the same time, the processes running under the users on the server are monitored, which are blocked in case malicious behavior is detected.
Imunify360 constantly collects and processes information about new attacks and vulnerabilities on servers around the world, leading to a low rate of false positive triggers and also has the ability to block even "zero-day" attacks. In addition, it analyzes web traffic reaching the server and uses complex artificial intelligence technology to dynamically update its security rules, thus blocking future attack attempts.
أفضل الأسعار, تخزين SSD سريع و دعم فني
24/7 حقيقي
إدارة موقعك من خلال CPanel بأحدث إصدار
ضمان وقت تشغيل بنسبة 99.8٪.
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