In our attempt to prevent overloads that may adversely affect the response time of your websites, we have set specific limits of resources of shared web hosting plan. The implications of this policy for use of resources accrue to large consumers of resources by preventing overloading their servers. Note that the server abuse is not limited to crossing limits, but determination is at the discretion of YottaSrc abuse. User Policy is applied to shared web hosting accounts and web reseller.
Resources of the accounts inside a reseller package are equivalent to the Starter resources.
Plan | CPU | MYSQL | Memory | I/O | nProc | EP | IOPS |
Gift | 1 Core | 30 | 1GB | 5MB/s | 50 | 25 | 8192 |
Mini Starter / Single WordPress | 1 Core | 30 | 1GB | 5MB/s | 60 | 25 | 8192 |
Starter / Starter WordPress | 1.5 Cores | 30 | 1GB | 10MB/s | 70 | 35 | 8192 |
Favourable / Business WordPress | 2 Cores | 30 | 1.5GB | 10MB/s | 75 | 35 | 8192 |
Unlimited | 3 Cores | 30 | 2GB | 10MB/s | 200 | 50 | 8192 |
Business | 4 Cores | 30 | 3GB | 15MB/s | 200 | 50 | 8192 |
Reseller Owner | 3 Cores | 30 | 2GB | 10MB/s | 200 | 50 | 8192 |
Every Client of Reseller | 1 Core | 30 | 1.5GB | 5MB/s | 75 | 35 | 4096 |
Whether the web page is static or dynamic, the server processor is used to get and display that page to the visitors. When a web page is automatically created by a script, the processor usage level increases because it must build the entire page. It must load the template to obtain the specific data to that page in the database, to execute plugins or the installed modules and finally to assemble the display page
Since the processor time is a finite resource shared by all accounts on a server, if any of those accounts used excessive the processor, the other sites on that server will not be able to display within a relatively short time seeming to be heavy loads, even jerky. So, we monitor the CPU resource used by shared accounts to prevent the issues that can be caused by excessive CPU use on one account.
Ram is the place where your script and data are stored in the time of their execution. The maximum RAM level that a server can have is fixed. That amount of RAM is shared between the accounts located on the server. This memory is needed by all the programs that are running on the server, including the server itself. If your scripts are huge or if they need a high amount of RAM to run, they will compete to get the desired amount of RAM, the amount used by all the scripts on the server. So the RAM is another resource that will impose limitations on use.
The applications connect to the MySQL database to obtain, update and delete information. Depending on the purpose of the application, a number of operations will prevail over the others, but usually this operation is about obtaining. Each one connection of this type is counted by MySQL, so this way can run many different operations together. Depending on the level of the optimization of the request and the database, the duration of these demands can vary from a few milliseconds to tens of milliseconds. Obviously, it's required in the situation where these requests last only a few milliseconds, so the solicited information to be quickly obtained and shown to the visitors. Depending on the level of the optimization at the application, it can run a certain number of simultaneous requests, so the maximum permitted is 30.
We consider that the applications are either not optimized, either it has high traffic, and it needs more than 30 competitors' connections, so it must migrate to dedicated solutions (VPS, Dedicated Server) to not affect the remaining customers on the shared server.
The pMem is formed by physical memory consumed directly by your applications to achieve the desired operation.
Input/Output is the reading/writing speed on the hard disk, which the application you use will not be able to exceed.
nProc is the number of concurrent processes that can run on your hosting account.
An EP (entry process) represents an HTTP connection to a website. As soon as the connection is handled (through a PHP script/file to be loaded) the EP is closed. EP represents the total number of simultaneous connections to your website, but not the total number of simultaneous visitors. Depending on the level of the website's optimization, an EP can be opened and closed in under a second, which makes it possible to have a higher number of simultaneous visitors on your website than the EP limitation.
IOPS represents the number of times the hard disk is accessed (read from/wrote to) during an interval of a second.
In the situation where one of the accounts or the application on an account regularly uses the account's resources at the maximum level for long periods of time, its owner will be contacted to resolve the situation either by optimizing the application to reduce resource consumption or by switching to a package with a higher level of resources, possibly even dedicated.
It should be noted that these limitations are imposed to protect you as a customer service disruption. Most accounts will not feel the existence of these limitations. If you consider that these limitations may affect the functionality of your services, please contact one of the representatives YottaSrc in order to establish optimal settings and/or various suggestions on these issues.
These restrictions are imposed automatic to the account creation. If one of the accounts will run continuously near the limits imposed, the account owner will be notified and along with it will make decisions jointly in solving these problems. We reserve the right, however, specified in the Terms and Conditions, and suspend your account if it creates severe problems and /or breaks other YottaSrc policies and regulations.
YottaSrc servers can't and won't be used as a storage system, being allowed a single backup storage account on that account.
Resale of Hosting services is not allowed on Shared accounts. If the customer wishes to do this, then they will need to purchase a Reseller package.
Adult Websites
Hosting, indication or targeting adult sites is completely prohibited in YottaSrc network. If you want your hosting with such a content, you will have to contact companies specialized in this field.
Web applications and web scripts
As a webmaster, it is your duty to evaluate and update applications held regularly to ensure its integrity. Forums or any other application that provides the ability to enter comments should have a moderating how to protect or SPAM. CAPTCHA is a popular method of stopping the robot to introduce spam.
Data for dynamic web pages are usually kept in databases. A database server, such as MySQL, manages and supplies information required for site scripting. Database servers have a limited number of connections that can accept a certain time. When many requests are made simultaneously, query, the database server is running out of resources and can't answer those queries. That usually happens when your website is very accessible or when it is used a script less effective (for example, has several queries for each page that displays), or both.
Customers can set their own cronjob on their sites, but these processes should not run more frequently for 5 minutes, and their runtime must represent half the time next run. Any cron job that consume resources and affect the stability of the system can be deactivated by our technicians. If cron job override limits of the CPU, cron jobs will be canceled.
Email and Mailing Lists
Using YottaSrc servers and network for the transmission of unsolicited commercial messages (spam) is strictly prohibited. Spamming will not be accepted or tolerated under any circumstance.
SPAM messaging servers and networks can cause irreparable damage YottaSrc financial and image. All the damage caused by spam will be assumed by the customer.
Any customer who uses their account to send spam can have their account suspended without notice.
Shared web hosting customers will not benefit of SSH access on YottaSrc servers.
YottaSrc will contact the account holder to solve the problems identified. In the emergencies, cases may be suspended before contacting the account holder. Refusal or failure to comply with these terms may result in the suspension or deletion of your account (with or without reversal of amounts paid, this is at the discretion YottaSrc ). All the accounts which are on YottaSrc network must comply with these rules. We reserve the right to remove any account without any notice. If your account is deleted for violating these rules, you lose the right to receive back the money, even if you have paid in advance.
The examples listed here are just a reference point. If you have a question about the status of the content /services of your site, please contact one of the YottaSrc representatives for clarifications.
If your account has been suspended for excessive use of resources and this abuse can't be solved by deleting or replacing a script, you will have offered an upgrade to a VPS server. If you do not like performing this upgrade, then remain to suspend your account so this way it will reduce traffic on it and eliminate resources consume. Meanwhile, you will provide a backup account in its relocation.
In most cases when your account has been suspended for abusing use of resources you will receive an email that will tell you what steps you can take to resolve the issue. That could include a suggestion to upgrade to a VPS. In most cases problems can be solved by optimizing applications and databases, but if your site has the number of visits increased it would be time for an analysis of VPS packages.
YottaSrc is here to offer assistance in solving any issues which you might have. Of course, fixing some of them might take a long time. The best advice we can offer you is to try to work with our YottaSrc technicians and not against them because they try to assist you in solving the issue.
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