How to fix establishing a database connection error on WordPress
Introduction:In today's article, I will guide you, how to fix establishing a database connection error on WordPress. So let's get...
Read tutorialHow to import database via phpMyAdmin in cPanel
Introduction:In today's article, I will guide you, How to import database via PhpMyAdmin in cPanel. So let's get started. ...
Read tutorialHow to optimize and repair the databases via PhpMyAdmin in cPanel
Introduction:In today's article, I will guide you, How to optimize and repair the database via PhpMyAdmin in cPanel. So let's get...
Read tutorialHow can I change a database password on cPanel?
To change a database password on cPanel, you can use the "MySQL Databases" feature in the "Databases" section. Here are the steps ...
Read tutorialHow can I find my MySQL database details on cPanel?
To locate your MySQL database details on cPanel, you can use the "MySQL Databases" feature in the "Databases" section. Here are th...
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