
How can I change a database password on cPanel?

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To change a database password on cPanel, you can use the "MySQL Databases" feature in the "Databases" section. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Log in to your cPanel account.
  2. In the Databases section, click on the "MySQL Databases" icon.
  3. In the "Current Users" section, locate the user you want to change the password for and click on the "Change Password" link.
  4. Enter the new password twice to confirm, and click on the "Save Changes" button to update the password.

It's important to note that changing the password for the database user will affect all the applications that use this user to connect to the database, so you will need to update the credentials for those applications as well.

It's always a good idea to use a strong, unique password for your database to improve security. And it's also a good idea to change the password regularly, especially if you suspect that your database has been compromised.

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