
How To Install WHM/cPanel on VPS

Updated at


To install WHM/cPanel, please follow these steps:

1 – We recommend you to install AlmaLinux, login via SSH via Putty software or any other one according to your system

2- Please run the follow command one by one (note these commands used on AlmaLinux Os):

yum -y install NetworkManager
yum -y install network-scripts
yum -y install net-tools
yum -y install nano
yum -y install perl
yum -y install curl
yum -y update

3- After all above finish, install WHM/cPanel via this command, and please wait it! It needs time:

cd /home && curl -o latest -L https://securedownloads.cpanel.net/latest && sh latest

4. Don't reboot your VPS, and run this commands (so important):

systemctl enable NetworkManager
systemctl start NetworkManager

5. Now reboot your VPS, via this command “reboot”

6- Wait some minutes and now your WHM/cPanel is ready, and you can login to it via your browser : https://xx.xx.xx.xx:2087

8- In the first page you have valid license for WHM/cPanel working.


Please note, we're providing WHM/cPanel with our VPS, please contact with us for more information

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