
How to turn on PHP error messages on cPanel

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To turn on PHP error messages on cPanel, you can use the "PHP Selector" feature in the "Software" section. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Log in to your cPanel account.
  2. In the Software section, click on the "PHP Selector" icon.
  3. In the "Option" section from the top.
  4. In the "Error Reporting" section, select "E_ALL" from the drop-down menu.

You can also achieve the same by editing the .htaccess file, adding the following line of code

php_flag display_errors on

Please note that displaying PHP error messages can reveal sensitive information about your website and can be a security risk. It's recommended to turn off the error messages once you have finished debugging your website. Also, it's a good practice to keep track of the error logs in cPanel, it will help you to detect any issues with the website.

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