
Resolving Server Connectivity Issues after using some scripts, like Hiddify

Updated at

Introduction: This tutorial is aimed at users who are encountering connectivity problems with their Virtual Private Server (VPS), such as unresponsive pings or an inability to connect to the server. The following steps will guide you through the process of adding your IP address to the server to restore connectivity.

Prerequisites: Access to the VPS console.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Connect to Your Console: Access your server's console, which can be done through an SSH client or direct console access provided by your VPS provider.

  2. Check Network Interface: Execute the following command to list all network interfaces and identify the primary interface (typically eth0):

ip a
  1. Activate the Network Interface: If your primary interface is not active, activate it using the following command. Replace eth0 with your interface name if it's different:
ip link set eth0 up
  1. Assign an IP Address: Assign your IP address to the network interface:
ip addr add [Your IP Address] dev eth0
  1. Configure Routing: Add your subnet mask:
ip route add [Your Subnet Mask] dev eth0

Set your default gateway:

ip route add default via [Your Default Gateway] dev eth0 onlink

Make sure to replace placeholders like [Your IP Address], [Your Subnet Mask], and [Your Default Gateway] with the actual values specific to your network configuration.

  1. Edit DNS Configuration: Use Nano or your preferred text editor to edit the DNS configuration:
nano /etc/resolv.conf

Add the following lines for DNS servers:

nameserver nameserver
  1. Update System and Install Netplan: Update your system's package list:
sudo apt-get update

Install netplan.io, a network configuration tool:

apt install netplan.io
  1. Reboot the Server: Reboot your server to apply the changes:

Conclusion: Following these steps, your VPS should now be capable of connecting to the internet. By adhering to the instructions outlined in this tutorial, you have taken important measures to address common connectivity issues with your Virtual Private Server.

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