
Installing Docker and Redis via Plesk Control Panel

Updated at

Introduction: This tutorial demonstrates how to install Docker via the Plesk control panel and use it to install Redis. The steps are applicable to all Linux systems .


  • Cloud Server
  • Plesk control panel installed (you can follow a separate Plesk installation tutorial)

Step 1 - Installing Docker via Plesk Control Panel

Before you begin, ensure that you have Plesk installed on your server. 

  1. Access the Plesk control panel.

  2. Click on the "Extensions" menu.

  3. In the extensions page, use the search box to look for "docker." Select the Docker extension from the results.

  4. Install the Docker Extensions.

Step 2 - Installing Redis via Docker

  1. Connect to your server via SSH. If you're not familiar with the CLI, you can use PuTTY software for SSH access.

  2. Run the following command and replace "YOUR_PASSWORD" with your chosen custom password:

docker run --name redis -d -p 6379:6379 redis redis-server --requirepass "YOUR_PASSWORD"

Step 3 - Verify Redis Installation via Docker

  1. Log back into the Plesk control panel.

  2. Select the "Docker" tab to view the created container.


Congratulations! You have successfully installed Redis on the Plesk control panel using Docker, making it available for your applications. This setup can help you manage and utilize Docker containers efficiently within the Plesk environment.

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