
Setting Up a Firewall on YottaSrc Servers

Updated at

To install a new firewall through your Cloud Console, begin by accessing your server and follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to "Firewalls" from the left sidebar, and then Click on "CREATE FIREWALL.":

  1. Enter a chosen name for the new firewall.


  1. Click the edit icon.
  2. Click on "create rule."


  1. Here, you can customize your firewall with these options:


  • For the protocol, choose either TCP or UDP.
  • Select the traffic direction: IN for incoming or OUT for outgoing.
  • In the Port field, specify the individual port or range of ports that will allow traffic. For TCP and UDP, define ranges with a dash, such as 1024-5000.
  • Define allowed Source IP addresses for connections. By default, the firewall permits all outbound traffic. To limit this, specify allowed IPv4 or IPv6 addresses in CIDR format.
    • Use "" for all IPv4 addresses and "::/0" for all IPv6 addresses.
    • A maximum of 100 CIDRs is permitted; separate each address with a comma.

When you're satisfied with the rule, you can click on confirm to apply the rule.

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