
Guide to Resolving WARP and wgcf Issues on a VPS

Updated at

Introduction: When using WARP on your VPS, you might encounter issues where the new IP address doesn't respond to SSH or ping commands. This can happen after you've changed your IP address. To resolve this, you'll need to stop and remove the WARP configuration. Access your console and run "ip a" to identify the WARP configuration.

Scenario 1: Resolving SSH/Ping Issues with WARP on VPS (When wgcf is Found):

  1. Check for WARP Configuration:

    • Run "ip a" to identify wgcf.
  2. Stop and Disable WARP Service:

    • Execute:
      sudo systemctl stop wgcf sudo systemctl disable wgcf
      If these commands don't resolve the issue, proceed to the next steps.
  3. Use wg-quick to Disable WARP:

    • Run:
      sudo wg-quick down wgcf
  4. Check for Active WARP/WireGuard Services:

    • Use this command to find a service associated with WARP:
      sudo systemctl | grep -iE 'wg|warp'
  5. Stop and Disable WireGuard Service:

    • Replace [service-name] with the actual service name (like wg-quick@wgcf.service or @warp.service):
      sudo systemctl stop [service-name] sudo systemctl disable [service-name]
  6. Remove WireGuard Tools and Reload Daemon:

    • Execute:
      sudo apt remove wireguard-tools sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Scenario 2: Removing WARP and Its Configurations from VPS (When WARP is Found)

  1. Disable and Delete WARP Interface:

    • Run the following commands:
      sudo ip link set WARP down sudo ip link delete WARP
      Verify the removal using:
      ip a | grep WARP
  2. Edit WARP Startup Script:

    • Open the script for editing:
      nano /root/WARP-UP.sh
      Comment out all lines in the file to prevent the script from running.
  3. Modify Crontab to Prevent WARP Reboot Activation:

    • Open the crontab file:
      sudo crontab -e
      Find and comment out the lines related to WARP to prevent it from activating on reboot.
  4. Ensure WARP Services are Disabled:

    • If WARP reactivates after a reboot, re-check for WARP services:
      sudo systemctl | grep -iE 'wg|warp'
      Stop and disable any found services:
      sudo systemctl stop [service-name] sudo systemctl disable [service-name]
  5. Load System Daemon:

    • Reload the system daemon:
      sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Conclusion: After following these steps, WARP and its configurations should be completely removed from your VPS. This can help resolve IP-related issues and ensure WARP does not reactivate on system reboot. Always reboot your server to confirm that the changes have taken effect, and WARP is not reactivated.

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