
How to Add Alt Tags to Images on WordPress

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You can add alt tags to images on WordPress by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to the "Posts" or "Pages" section, and open the post or page containing the image you want to add an alt tag to.
  3. Click on the image to select it, and then click on the pencil icon to edit the image.
  4. In the "Edit Image" window, scroll down to the "Attachment Details" section.
  5. Under "Alternative Text", enter a brief, descriptive text that describes the image.
  6. Click on the "Update" button to save your changes.

The alt tag will now be added to the image, and will be displayed when the image is unable to load, it also helps with SEO as search engines can understand the context of the image.

It's worth noting that if you're using a gallery plugin, you might be able to set alt tags for each image in the gallery, rather than adding it to each image individually.

Additionally, you can use a plugin like "Auto Image Alt Text" which automatically adds alt tags to images that don't have one, this plugin is useful if you have a lot of images on your site, and you don't have time to add alt tags manually.

It's important to keep in mind that alt tags are important for accessibility and SEO, as it helps search engines understand the context of the image, and it also helps users that use screen readers.

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