To create and manage mailing lists in cPanel, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your cPanel account.

  2. In the "Email" section, click on "Mailing Lists".

  3. Click on the "Add Mailing List" button.

  4. Enter a name for the mailing list in the "List Name" field.

  5. Enter an email address for the mailing list in the "Email Address" field.

  6. Enter a password for the mailing list in the "Password" field.

  7. Select the type of mailing list you want to create: "Announce-only" (where only certain members can in the list) or "Discussion" (where all members can send and receive emails).

  1. Click on the "Add Mailing List" button to create the new mailing list.

  2. To manage the mailing list, you can click on the "Manage" button next to the mailing list in the "Mailing Lists" section.

  3. In the mailing list management interface, you can add or remove subscribers, manage subscriber settings, view and modify message archives, and more.

  4. To add a subscriber, click on the "Add Subscriber" button and enter the subscriber's email address in the "Email Address" field.

  5. To remove a subscriber, select the subscriber's email address from the list and click on the "Delete" button.

  6. To manage subscriber settings, such as the frequency of message digests, click on the "Subscriber Options" button.

  7. To view or modify message archives, click on the "Archives" button.

  8. To send a message to the mailing list, you can either use the mailing list email address or use the web-based interface to compose and send a message.

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