Introduction: Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) is a powerful tool that allows you to access your Windows server's desktop interface from your local computer. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to establish a Remote Desktop Connection to your server, enabling you to manage it remotely.

Prerequisite: Before you begin, make sure you have noted or copied the IP address of the server to which you want to establish the connection.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Open the Remote Desktop Connection:

    • Windows 7: Click on Start > All Programs > Accessories > Remote Desktop Connection.
    • Windows 8: On the Start screen, type "Remote Desktop Connection," and then click on the app in the results.
    • Windows 10: On the taskbar, click the search box, type "Remote Desktop Connection," and select the app.
  2. Remote Desktop Connection Window:

    • The Remote Desktop Connection window will open, providing you with options to configure your connection.
  3. Enter Connection Details:

    • Click on "Options" (Windows 7) or "Show options" (Windows 8, Windows 10) to reveal more settings.
    • On the General tab, enter the IP address of the server into the "Computer" field.
    • Enter your username in the "User name" field.
  4. Optional: Save Credentials:

    • If desired, you can save your credentials by checking the "Allow me to save credentials" box.
  5. Initiate the Connection:

    • Click the "Connect" button to establish the connection.
  6. Windows Security Window:

    • A Windows Security window will appear, prompting you to enter your password.
  7. Confirm Connection:

    • If this is your first time connecting to the server or if you haven't saved the connection information, you may need to confirm the connection by clicking "Yes."
  8. Established Connection:

    • Once validated, the Remote Desktop Connection will be established, and you will have access to your server's desktop interface.


  • When connecting to a server for the first time or if connection data isn't saved, you may see a message asking if you want to proceed with the connection.
  • Each Remote Desktop Connection creates a session on your server. Note that a maximum of two simultaneous connections can be established with the provided license. Ending a session requires logging out of the server.
  • To maintain a session's state, it's important to properly log out from the remote desktop window. Simply closing the window will retain the session and all running programs.

By following these steps, you can effortlessly set up a Remote Desktop Connection to your Windows server, granting you the flexibility to manage and operate it remotely.

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