To add icons to a menu on WordPress for easy navigation, you can use a few different methods.

  1. Use a plugin: There are several plugins available that allow you to add icons to your menus, such as "Menu Icons," "Menu Image," and "Font Awesome Menus." These plugins will typically allow you to upload or select an icon, and assign it to a specific menu item.

  2. Use CSS: You can also add icons to your menu using CSS. You can use an icon font like Font Awesome, which includes a wide variety of icons that you can use on your site. First, you'll need to enqueue the font in your theme, then you can use CSS to add the icon to the menu item. Here's an example of how you can use Font Awesome to add an icon to a menu item:

<li><a href="#">Home <i class="fa fa-home"></i></a></li>

You can find the specific class for the icon you want to use in the Font Awesome documentation.

  1. Use custom fields: You can also use custom fields to add icons to your menu items. This method requires you to add a custom field to each menu item, and then use CSS to style the icons.

It's worth noting that some themes may have built-in options for adding icons to menus, so you should check the theme documentation first.

Keep in mind that, when using this method, you should test your icons on different screen sizes and resolutions to ensure that they display correctly and are easily visible.

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