Downgrading WordPress to a previous version can be a bit tricky, and it's important to proceed with caution, as it can cause compatibility issues or data loss. Here's an overview of the process:

  1. Backup your website: Before you begin, it's important to make a full backup of your website, including the database and all the files. This will ensure that you can restore your website if something goes wrong during the downgrading process.

  2. Download the previous version of WordPress: You can download previous versions of WordPress from the repository. Be sure to download the version that you want to downgrade to.

  3. Deactivate all plugins: Before you begin the downgrading process, it's important to deactivate all of your plugins. This will prevent any compatibility issues that might occur when downgrading.

  4. Replace the WordPress files: Using an FTP client, connect to your website and navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation. Replace all the files in this directory with the files from the previous version of WordPress that you downloaded earlier.

  5. Upgrade the database: Once the files have been replaced, you'll need to upgrade the database to the version that corresponds to the previous version of WordPress. You can do this by visiting the "Upgrade" page in your WordPress dashboard.

  6. Reactivate your plugins: After the database has been upgraded, you can reactivate your plugins one by one, testing each one to make sure they are compatible with the previous version of WordPress.

It's worth noting that downgrading WordPress can cause compatibility issues with themes, plugins and custom code. Some features might not work properly and you might lose some data. It's also important to note that downgrading WordPress is not recommended as it can have security implications. If you have an issue with your current version of WordPress, it's best to contact the theme or plugin developer for assistance, or consider upgrading to the latest version of WordPress.


It's highly recommended to test the downgraded version of your website on a staging or development environment before applying it to your live site, to make sure that everything is working as expected and that there are no compatibility issues.

  1. Troubleshoot and fix any issues: After you've downgraded, it's important to test your website thoroughly. Check all the pages, posts, and functionalities to ensure that everything is working as expected. If you encounter any issues, you can troubleshoot and fix them by looking at error logs, or by reaching out to the theme or plugin developer for assistance.

  2. Keep your WordPress updated: Once you've downgraded your website, it's important to keep it updated to ensure that it stays secure and that it continues to function properly.

As a general rule, it's best to avoid downgrading WordPress if possible, as it can be complex and risky. If you're having issues with your current version of WordPress, it's best to reach out to the theme or plugin developer for assistance, or consider upgrading to the latest version of WordPress.

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